National Anthems of the World

Front Cover

Eleventh Edition

ISBN: 0 304 36826 1
Published: August 17 2006
Fifth Editor: Michael Jamieson Bristow

This indispensable source book has, over the years, proved invaluable, not only for the increasing number of occasions on which a particular national anthem is played, but also as a permanent reference book for those interested in music and contemporary culture.

Close liaison with Embassies, High Commissions and governments throughout the world has ensured that
'National Anthems of the World' can claim to be the definitive international authority on the subject.

Whether you're looking for a particular national anthem for a special occasion, or just have an interest in music and culture, this is the definitive book on the subject. It includes national anthems for 192 nations plus anthems for the European Union, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales, with the words in the original language, arranged alphabetically, and translated too.

An authoritative and indispensable source book for the music and lyrics of all the world's national anthems.

Where to buy the book

Announcement to save the book after 50 years!

It was decided on June 04 2008 that the current publishers, The Orion Publishing Group Limited in London will not be publishing any further editions of the book in future; therefore the current 11th Edition of 2006 will be the last produced by them. Twelve months later it was confirmed by the main distributor in America that they could not sustain a new 12th Edition without 30 percent new material, and so negotiations have reached a dead end after over two years of fighting for the survival of the book. Should you wish to contact the publishers about their regrettable decision, then please e-mail: or e-mail Michael directly:

This year is the 50th anniversary of the First Edition of 1960, and so it is important to be associated with a publishing company that will be around for the next 50 years, as all the work that has gone into the book must not be wasted. It is therefore essential to leave a legacy that the next editor can pick up and go with and in that capacity to locate a special publisher who can help leave such a legacy.

The latest news is that a Canadian publisher in Toronto has expressed an interest in maybe publishing a new edition. Negotiations are at an early stage at this juncture.

Editorial Reviews

"An authoritative sourcebook for countries ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Scores include the original language and, where necessary, a transliterated phonetic version."
 -- Music Educators Journal

"The most current and complete reference available. Highly recommended for public and academic libraries."
 -- Reference Books Bulletin

"A fascinating publication."
 -- Musical Times

"An absolute necessity to all concerned with protocol and the arrangement of functions of a national or international character."
 -- Diplomatic Press

""An invaluable and unique book of reference."
 -- Musical Opinion

"There's nothing else of the same kind to rival it."
 -- Music in Education

"A very thorough work of reference."
 -- British Book News

"An indispensable reference book."
 -- Music Teacher

"As well as being a record of this material, the volume is a fascinating one to browse in, with many surprises and historical sidelights."
 -- Commonwealth